Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The hubby turns 27 today! 27 birthday spankings are in order!

Today I gave Mike a birthday card that listed some evidences of grace that I see in his life. His life bears much fruit and I wanted him to be made aware of some of the many things I have observed. A few that I mentioned, plus a couple more...

1. His willingness to serve his wife (the guy takes out the garbage, starts the car in the winter, cleans off the car and rids it of snow, does the dishes, vacuums, clears the dishes after a meal, and does the laundry every Sunday. Needless to say, I am one blessed wife.)

2. His ability to have victories over the temptation and sin that each of us face each day.

3. His openness and willingness to discuss not only his victories, but his weaknesses as well.

4. His leadership. He has grown so much in this area and is learning to be a great leader in our relationship, particularly in the area of devotions and prayer each night.

5. Controlling his anger. Mike hates bad drivers and he voices his frustration and sometimes has acted upon his frustration as well (don't we all?!), but he has really grown in patience and being able to control his emotions.

6. Decreasing in selfishness. Mike confessed that he felt that he needed to be more selfless when it came to giving me attention (undivided), and I feel that he really has. It is easy for both of us to get carried away in a book or correcting papers and only partially listen to what the other has to say. Mike has really worked hard at this and I see the fruit.

7. Increasing desire to be in the Word. Mike gets up between 5 and 5:15 each morning to be able to spend some quality time reading his Bible. He does this every morning... even on Saturdays.

Mike, I am so thankful for you! You are an amazing man of God and I am blessed beyond measure to have you in my life. I love you. Happy birthday, sweetheart!


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