Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why I Hate to Wait #2

I'm waiting. {SIGH}
  • I'm waiting to hold my new nephew
  • I'm waiting to see my dad this Christmas
  • I'm waiting to see how this whole flood situation will pan out
  • I'm waiting to hear if we'll have make-up days for school and if/how that will affect our summer
  • I'm waiting to buy tickets to the US this summer since we don't know if/how our summer will be affected
  • I'm waiting for God to answer prayer requests (for myself and friends & family alike) in big ways
  • I'm waiting to go home this summer and squeeze my family and friends... 2 years is a long time!
  • I'm waiting to see how to best assess and give grades to a new student that just joined my class this week (who has never had a Spanish class before)
  • I'm waiting on finances
  • I'm waiting on God's timing and promises
  • I'm waiting...
... and I sure don't like waiting!

I am all about efficiency. I like to get things done in a timely manner and I like to do things well the first time. I struggle with, what I like to call, "tunnel vision." I set my eyes on my goal/task and I just keep going until it's done and I can check it off my TO-DO list. There is no stopping until it's done. This can be a very positive thing often times... I start a stack of papers, and I keep going until they are graded and put into the grade book. I start planning for the next unit for my classes and I don't stop until I have made all my photocopies made. I start a book or a movie, and I don't give up on it, even if it's horrible because I have the hope/expectation that it will get better (exception: Tree of Life... definitely gave up on that movie after 15 minutes).

I follow through, I check off/cross off, I get it done. So waiting is VERY hard for me because waiting means I can't do it on my own time. Waiting means being dependent on others/God. Waiting means not knowing when it will be accomplished. Waiting means I can't just cross it off my TO-DO list. Waiting means being suspended and having to face the unknowns. Waiting simply goes against the grain of my tunnel vision, TO-DO list lover, Type A, meticulous, steadfast, Meyer's Briggs ISFJ personality.

Needless to say, all this waiting has been hard. But man alive, has God been doing a lot in my heart lately! More to come in the next post... (I'm keeping you waiting)

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