Monday, August 10, 2009

Goodbye summer...

Well, the school year has officially started! Eeeek! I feel so ill prepared this year with all these major changes-- changing countries, schools, levels, etc. Not to mention that school starts 3 weeks earlier here than in the states. Goodbye summer!

I can already tell that this year will be a challenging one for both of us. Mike has a very full schedule this year with hardly any preps. Granted, he won't have very many papers to correct, but it certainly is an adjustment teaching PE after teaching grade 4 and 5 for the past 5 years. He is also adjusting to teaching the rowdy K4 class. Sixteen little 4 year olds who can't stand in line, barely speak English, hardly know what a whistle is, can't tie their shoes, and are just full of energy... I can hardly imagine. Pray for patience and gentleness.

I have a less busy schedule than Mike, but none-the-less, am feeling slightly overwhelmed with the new curriculum and significantly unequipped to teach AP Spanish. Sometimes I doubt my abilities and whether I will be capable of guiding these students through the language and helping them to attain at least a 3 on the AP test, especially now that the AP Spanish test was changed last year and is now significantly harder. I know that I just have to be faithful in praying, faithful in planning, and faithful in studying. Pray that I would be faithful in these things, that I would trust and abide in God, and that I would know that God's grace and strength is sufficient for me.

Despite the craziness, I know that God is faithful, that we'll get into the swing of things, that the dust will settle one day (maybe not until June 4), that we will learn, grow, and be stretched, and that it will be one amazing year. I'm nervous, scared, yet ridiculously excited for what the Lord has in store for us. Praise God for bringing us all the way to Thailand to the ministry at ICS; we feel privileged to be a part of the ICS story.

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