Friday, May 11, 2012

Things not to say to a woman expecting (twins)…

1. What kind of water did you drink?
2. Better you than me!
3. You’re going to be huge!
4. I don’t know how you’re going to fit 2 babies in there!
5. Uh-oh! Double trouble!
6. Vaginal delivery or C-section?
7. Any terrible/scary pregnancy story that you know of.
8. Twins...that's so scary!

What I want to say in response…
1. Pretty sure drinking water doesn’t make you pregnant... just sayin'.
2. Yes, better me than you because I CANNOT WAIT to love on them.
3. Better huge with babies than huge because I’m obese?!
4. I’m sure it’ll work out somehow.
5. I prefer double the blessing.
6. Uhm… seriously?
7. Not helpful, people… not helpful.
8. Is it? Scary is being the octuplet mom, in my opinion.


  1. You make me laugh! :) My favorite question to get: Was this planned or a surprise? I'm really starting to despise that question. What does it matter? I'm happy!
