Friday, September 7, 2012

What's in a name?

People often ask us what the names Owen and Emma mean, if they are family names, or just how we picked the names in general.

I don't mean to be funny or mean sounding, but honestly, we picked the names because they are names that we liked that former students had not ruined for us. It was hard with both of us having taught for 8 years, to come to a decision. There were names that we liked, but had had naughty students with that name in the past. :) I'm sure all you fellow teachers understand! Then there was the problem of one person liking a name, but the other person thinking it was just "meh."

People are usually not surprised that Mike comes from Michael, but most people have no clue that Karly comes from my given name Karlene. The only times we use Michael or Karlene though are to sign checks or a receipt for a credit card. So we didn't want names that could really be shortened, which meant having shorter names, but not too short because we already have a one syllable last name!

We picked out 4 names; two boys and two girls names because at the time we hadn't had the ultrasound that revealed their sex! We definitely had our favorite boy and girl name though, so when we found out that we were having a boy and a girl we were elated because we didn't have to choose who got the "secondary" name.  It wasn't until we found out that we were blessed with a boy and a girl that we looked up the actual meanings of our preferred names:

Emma: all containing, universal, whole
Owen: well born, well bred, young warrior

*Despite there already being two Emily's in the the Aust family, we went ahead with the name Emma because we love the name and because neither Emily goes by Emma. :)

The middle names we picked had more significance to us than just simply liking them. Owen will be Owen Michael, after Mike of course. Emma's middle name perhaps requires a little more explanation. Emma will be Emma Caroline. I do love the name Caroline, but it is honor of my dear friend Carolyn. Carolyn and her husband Grant have become dear friends to us here in Bangkok. They have walked with us through many highs and lows these past 2 years, and have been faithful friends. We have journeyed through a lot together, traveled together, cried together, laughed together, and just simply lived life alongside each other. So albeit not being EXACTLY the same name, Caroline is a reminder to me of my sweet friend Carolyn.

Carolyn & Karly

Caroline: beautiful woman, joyous pretty song
Michael: who is like God

We can't wait to meet you, Emma Caroline and Owen Michael! You are already so dearly loved! :)


  1. as soon as you announced the names, I kind of had an idea Emma came from Emma G. :)

    1. Well Emma G. certainly did not ruin the name for us because she's a rockin' awesome kid. :)

  2. I love the names you have picked!
