Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You're just as weird, lady.

I know you can't see her very well... but there is another Asian lady is this picture that my brother-in-law, Pete, took when we were at our cooking class. Pete & I were the only Americans in a class of probably 12 people. You tend to chit-chat with the people a little bit and get to know at least where they are from and what they do. The other Asian lady in the picture works for BMW and her native language is actually German. I kind of did a double take when I heard her speaking in German.

Anyway, one of the guys in the cooking class was a PE teacher from Australia. So naturally, I started a conversation with him about teaching and told him that I was a teacher in Thailand. And as every conversation like this unfolds, of course he thought I taught English. I explained to him the nature of ICS and that I actually teach Spanish. At this point in time everyone seemed to be listening to our conversation, so the Asian-German woman overhead and expressed her surprise about me being Asian but teaching Spanish. I literally wanted to say, "Dude, look who's talking! You're an Asian who speaks German!" I guess I don't know which one is more odd...

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