Sunday, November 21, 2010


The latest craze in game playing is this game called, "Goa." It is a strategy/bidding game that involves buying spices with duckets to found different colonies. It has [too] many rules and takes about 2 hours to play. The first time I played it, I was literally banging my head on the table out of frustration and I think it took about 3.5 hours to play. It's the biggest hit among our group of friends now. The "prize" for winning is a picture of yourself on the FB "Bangkok Gamers" page, holding a spice & holding up the number of fingers of the number of times you've won the game.

 And in the words of Holly: at least Tuan wins the good sportsmanship award...
(sorry it's so grainy, the pic was taken on a phone)

Have I mentioned that we get together practically every Sunday to play? This weekend was a double whammy. Mike was thoroughly spoiled being able to play both Saturday & Sunday. He was like a little boy in candy store. :)

1 comment:

  1. Like a boy in a candy store? More like a boy in a sporting goods or game store!
