Thursday, September 17, 2009

Can I punch you?

Little kids are so funny. Some of them have no concept of "personal space" and this has become particularly evident to Mike as he calls his kids over to him during class... they are all over him, practically tackling him as they race over. One little guy in third grade not only decided to race over to Mike and be pressed up against him, but touch Mike's stomach. His response to touching him stomach was, "Ooooh, six pack... can I punch you?" Mike's initial response was, "No, you can't punch me..." but then gave in because a) Mike's a guy and likes to prove his "manliness" and b) the kid really was disappointed. So the kid wound up and punched Mike in the stomach and thought it was THE coolest. Kids were practically lining up then to punch Mike. HA!

Other funny comments from the elementary kids:
(Korean) student: You're married?
Mike: Yes.
(Korean) Student: Is your wife Thai? (Many of the American men teachers here are married to a Thai woman)
Mike: No, she's Korean
(Korean) student: What's her name?
Mike: Mrs. Karly
(Korean) student: No, what's her REAL name?
Mike: Oh... Seon Ah

Student: (after seeing us together) Is that your wife?
Mike: Yes
Student: Why didn't you marry an American?
Mike: She is American


  1. haha! That's hilarious. Mike sounds like he's great with those kids.

  2. So funny! Thanks for making us smile.


  3. Ha ha!!! Can I punch your stomach?!?! Mike - You would!

    Glad you loved the package....the fruit snacks were supposed to be for MIKE! jk :)
    ~ Krissy
