In the process of learning about ICS before our interview, we found a youtube video that the ICS teachers and students made to promote a students vs. teachers basketball game that would be taking place. Apparently this is an annual event now, so Mike is already excited to participate. The video gave us a good laugh and in a sense, calmed our fears. It showed us that the teachers could be silly and had a great sense of humor. You can check it out too at:
Another thing that made us laugh was the high school principal. He is from Alabama and has a thick accent, so imagine him saying the following with that southern accent. During our phone interview, I had asked him about discipline policies and parental involvement with these policies because many in Asian countries, parents are not very involved due to their busy schedules and what the culture dictates. He said that the parents were very involved and because many of the families are from Asia, a lot of parents might just say to you (referring to their children), "just shpank 'em." (Just spank 'em.) He said "just shpank 'em" 3 times. I was laughing so hard on the phone... needless to say, it wasn't as formal of an interview as I expected.
Another thing that made us laugh was the high school principal. He is from Alabama and has a thick accent, so imagine him saying the following with that southern accent. During our phone interview, I had asked him about discipline policies and parental involvement with these policies because many in Asian countries, parents are not very involved due to their busy schedules and what the culture dictates. He said that the parents were very involved and because many of the families are from Asia, a lot of parents might just say to you (referring to their children), "just shpank 'em." (Just spank 'em.) He said "just shpank 'em" 3 times. I was laughing so hard on the phone... needless to say, it wasn't as formal of an interview as I expected.
My 7th grade students took a Spanish quiz before I told them that we were leaving. As they turned in their quizzes to me, I glanced at each one just to see if they were on the right track or needed a little extra help. After all the quizzes had been turned in, I grabbed my Bible and paused for a minute to just collect my thoughts. I then read them a Bible verse and we talked about how God's plan for us is so much better than anything else that we could imagine, even when it is difficult. Then I broke the news to them. One of my students started laughing afterwards because she had thought that I pulled out my Bible because the class had done such a terrible job on their quiz, that I wanted to find a verse to encourage them to study and try their best. Silly students.
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