Saturday, July 16, 2011

Spain Sneak Peak...

I'm overwhelmed by how many awesome pictures from our trip to Spain I have to choose from!

Here are a few collages to appease our parents readers. More pictures and details to come...

**Remember that you can click on the collage to see a bigger version of it!

Awesome "Feria de Toros" that we got to go to in Pamplona during San Fermín (The Running of the Bulls)

Some of my favorite pictures of us during the trip. The guy in the red sweatshirt in the second picture is Txema. He was so kind and helpful, and became a dear friend to us during a short time in Pamplona.

Some of the amazing food that we got to experience in Spain and Portugal.


  1. Beautiful pictures - so far! Thanks for the preview for your parents/readers!


  2. We continue to live vicariously through you... :)

  3. These are great! So glad you had a chance to make this trip and especially see Alicante friends!

  4. Such amazing places/sites! ps. you are so beautiful too!

  5. :) this post made me hungry!!! he he!!! -kelly
